Power Setting

User interface overview

Power button behavior

The settings on this page determine the behavior of the power button on the ASTROS Station.

Sleep mode

Only the A/V output will be disabled.

The Station will remain discoverable on the network for the presentation.

  • To enter Sleep mode, press the power button for one second.

  • To exit Sleep mode, press the power button for one second or any connection attempt from the network.

Suspend mode

All functions will be shut down to minimize power consumption.

The Station will not be discoverable on the network.

  • To enter Suspend mode, press the power button for one second.

  • To exit Suspend mode, press the power button for one second.

Enter Sleep mode automatically

When the power button behavior is set to Sleep mode, the ASTROS Station can be configured to automatically enter Sleep mode after a certain period of inactivity.

Last updated