
User interface overview


Model name

Model name of the ASTROS station

ASTROS information

Click Check for update to check for the latest firmware. If a new version is available, click Upgrade to start the process. The configuration page will be inaccessible during the upgrade.

Manual update

Download the latest ASTROS Station firmware here.

Click Browse to upload the firmware file, then click Upgrade to start the upgrade process. ℹ️The firmware file is in .asg format


Admin password

Change the Web Configuration page password

Format: A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9; up to 16 characters.

We strongly recommend changing the password the first time you log in to your ASTROS Station ℹ️The default password is admin

Moderation password

Change the Moderation (web) login password

Format: A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9; up to 16 characters. ℹ️The default password is moderator

Add-on Services

ASTROS Manager server

This is where you can enter the Service name or IP address of the ASTROS Manager.

ℹ️The default Service name is AstrogateMGM.

RESTful API key

Click Generate to create RESTful API key.

Configuration file

To import a configuration file, click Browse. To export a configuration file, click Export.

System reset

Perform system reset

System log recording

Turn on or off the system log recording feature for system or error diagnosis. Only turn it on at the request of Astrogate technical support.

Last updated