
User interface overview

Wi-Fi - ASTROS as AP


The Wi-Fi name (SSID) broadcasted by the ASTROS Station is fixed to be the same as the Station name. To change it, navigate to General>Basic>Station name.


Set Wi-Fi protection mode to None or WPA2.

WPA2 password format: A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9; 8 to 16 characters.


Select 5G (default; recommended) or 2.4G.

Network mode

Select NAT (default) or Bridge


Select Allow all (default), Internet only or Block all

  • To switch to other Wi-Fi modes, please configure the Station to NAT mode first

  • Switching to Bridge: The DHCP server for this Station will be disabled. Please connect it to a company network that supports DHCP. Its wired network IP will then be assigned by the company network's DHCP server

Network Setup for ASTROS Station

This chapter shows your options to integrate the ASTROS Station into the environment. How an administrator or user accesses the ASTROS Station depends on which type of setup you choose.

  • We recommend connecting the ASTROS Station to the corporate network via Ethernet when performing Wi-Fi configuration.

  • Please note that switching Wi-Fi modes requires clicking the Apply button to take effect.

The table below outlines three network setup options for the ASTROS Station.

The final column, "How to access the Station," explains how IT administrators and end users can connect their devices (laptops or mobile phones) to the Station for configuration or presentation purposes.


Station Wi-Fi config.


Connecting Directly to the ASTROS Station Access Point (AP)


  • Connecting Directly to the ASTROS Station Access Point (AP)

  • Connecting to ASTROS Station via Local Area Network (LAN)

ASTROS Wi-Fi off

Connecting to ASTROS Station via Local Area Network (LAN)

ASTROS connects to another AP

Connecting to ASTROS Station via Local Area Network (LAN)

Using Station as a Standalone Network


  1. On the ASTROS Configuration page, navigate to Network>Wi-Fi.

  2. ASTROS Wi-Fi as AP.

  3. Click the Apply button.

  4. Remove the Ethernet cable.

This setup will turn the ASTROS Station into a wireless access point:

  • Default SSID: AS101-xxxx / AS201-xxxx

  • Default IP address:

Connecting Station to LAN via Ethernet cable


  1. Connect an Ethernet cable from your organization's network to the ASTROS Station.

  2. On the ASTROS Configuration page, navigate to Network>Wi-Fi.

  3. Choose ASTROS Wi-Fi as AP if you wish to enable the Station's access point, or ASTROS Wi-Fi off if you wish to disable the Station's access point.

  4. Click the Apply button.

In this setup, the Station will obtain an Ethernet IP address from the DHCP server and display it on the Standby Screen.

Assigning a Static IP Address to ASTROS Station

  1. Connect an Ethernet cable from your organization's network to the ASTROS Station.

  2. On the ASTROS Configuration page, navigate to Network>Wi-Fi.

  3. Static IP.

  4. Enter valid IPv4 IP address information into the fields below.

  5. Click the Apply button.

Connecting Station to LAN via Wi-Fi


  1. On the ASTROS Configuration page, navigate to Network>Wi-Fi.

  2. ASTROS Wi-Fi connect to another AP and click Apply.

  3. Find the targeted organization's wireless access point on the Wi-Fi list and connect to it.

  4. To connect to the organization's wireless access point manually, click Add button to start the

  5. Click the Apply button.

  6. Remove the Ethernet cable.

Last updated